An example of a trail sign in Peter's Canyon.

It is important to make the land manager aware of any issues you may see on the trail.  For example, a downed tree needs to be removed from a trail.  Please report it to the proper land manager. Additionally if you are injured on a trail or find someone injured on a trail, please be sure to provide substantive information to any dispatch officer (including those receiving 911 calls).

It is helpful to have the following details about your location if you are reporting a generic issue:

  • PARK NAME.  Please know the name of the park, preserve or protected area you are located in.  This helps narrow down the search geography. (For example: Peter’s Canyon Regional Park).
  • TRAIL NAME.  Please know the trail name that you are on.  Consult the park’s official trail map for this information, as it may be different that what online map programs and/or store purchased maps label it. (For example: Peter’s Canyon Trail).
  • GENERAL LOCATION. Please provide general location information.  (For example: Peter’s Canyon Trail near the juncture of Lake View Trail).
  • THE PROBLEM.  Please provide details about the problem.  Many trail users bring cameras or cell phones with camera capabilities. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words.  (For example: the trail sign is down or a pile of trash has been dumped at that location).
  • DATE/TIME. Please provide the date and time you saw the problem.  It may be that others reported it first and it has now been resolved. (For example: Saturday, August 30, 2014 at 2:30 PM).

If you’ve come upon an injured person, in addition to the park name, trail name, general location and the problem, it is helpful for first responders to also have this information:

  • INJURED INDIVIDUAL’S NAME.  If you are able to obtain the injured person’s name, please do so and provide it the dispatcher. (For example: Susie Smith).
  • DETAILS ON THE INCIDENT.  If you are able to assess the situation and provide details to the dispatcher it can be important for rescuers. (For example: It looks like Susie is suffering from heat stroke).
  • GPS LOCATION. Many smart phones now have GPS navigation allowing phone owners to access the latitude and longitude of the injured person. (For example: Lat:33.78382 Lon:-117.76202).

Some of the larger land managers where issues must be reported are included with contact information below:

Land ManagerContact Information
United States Forest Service (Trabuco District)(951) 736-1811
California State Parks (Inland Empire District)(951) 780-6222
California State Parks (Orange Coast District)(714) 973-6865
California Department of Fish and Wildlife(858) 467-4201
OC Parks(714) 973-6865
Irvine Ranch Conservancy(714) 508-4757

Please be thoughtful and courteous on the trails.  You never know if one day you may be in need of assistance and will rely on the kindness of other park visitors to help.